I know, people, I know: WTF, right? What happened to the quaint, pre-Ajax juliandibbell.com design that used to be here assuring you that no matter how inexorably time marches forward everywhere else, in one little corner of the Web it will always be late 2002? Well, first of all: The quaintness is still right here, if the new version doesn’t happen to suit you just yet (and in its current state I can’t see how it would). But second of all, this will get better, you’ll see. Watch this space for weekly, maybe even daily, improvements as I gradually drag this old bag of bytes into the second half of the first decade of the 21st century — and by all means feel free to suggest a few of those improvements yourself. Below. In the comments field. Yeah, you read that right: For the first time in history, I have opened this blog to comments. Don’t make me regret it.