but enough about you
the LATEST news about me worth mentioning

Wednesday, February 26, 2003

"The Economics of Online Video Gaming," Thursday, February 27  
I'll be on a panel tomorrow at Stanford on "The Economics of Online Video Gaming," representing as best I can the gamer's perspective on the question. Other panelists are Henry Lowood (gaming historian and our moderator), Anton Bruehl and Simon Price (founder and research director, respectively, of IDG Consulting), and, in the hot seat, Luc Barthelet (VP of Electronic Arts and managing director of Maxis), who may or may not tell us just what the hell went wrong with The Sims Online. Hosted by Stanford Business School's Arts, Media, and Entertainment Club, the panel starts at 12 noon and takes place in room S180 of the Graduate School of Business. Need directions? Here.

11:23 AM

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